Tople ili hladne kupke EPSOM-GORKE soli ili
Skrubing tuširanje sa EPSOM-GORKOM soli
Plovljenje (floatation, floating) novi
trend u zdravstvu i wellness-u
Kako bi bilo divno da postoji krevet u koji
biste legli, uplovili umorni od
posla, sa bolovima u leđima i nogama, na izmaku živaca i probudili se zdravi,
odmorani i mladi.
Zašto maštati?
Verovali ili ne, ipak postoji. Jedan u obliku školjke za hrabrije, a drugi
otvoren i prostran za dvoje.
Dva divna profesora doktora,
lekara sportske medicine su došla na ideju da svoja iskustva o primeni drevno
poznate Epsom soli podele sa nama. Naime, kako se Epsom so ne može
transdermalno predozirati napravili su zasićen rastvor iste soli ili
koncentracije iznad 50%, u kojoj pacijent ne može potonuti i tako napravili
čaroban lekoviti i relaksirajući “krevet”. Oko “kreveta” su prvobitno postavili
mirišljave sveće, a potom difuzno svetlo i svemu tome dodali tihu relaksirajuću
muziku. Učinak je bio neverovatan u izlećenju mnogih bolesti.
Korist magnezijumovih jona je opšte poznata,
ali nam se čini da uloga sulfatnih jona nije dobro obrađena, a koje je teško
nadoknaditi interno, osim transdermalno.
Sulfati su takođe esencijalni za život: za
formaciju proteina u zglobovima, digestivnih enzima, itd. Mislimo da je
najvažnija uloga u formaciji moždanih tkiva i detoksikaciji organizma, gde
preko kože, kao membrane izvlače teške metale nagomilane u organizmu sa
neverovatnim učinkom za kasnije izlećenje organizma. Ponovićemo samo neke
prednosti upotrebe naše Epsom, Gorke
- umirujuće olakšanje od artritičkog i reumatskog bola
- smanjuje ukočenost, bol i zategnutost mišića, eliminiše grčeve mišića
- smanjuje neprijatnost od bolova i nervne osetljivosti
- umiruje bolne modrice, uganuća i iščašenja, ubrzava zalečenje preloma
- ublažava bolove od prekomerne iscrpljenosti tokom sportskih aktivnosti
- izvlači višak tečnosti i toksine u borbi protiv celulita
- pobošava spavanje i odmor, leči nesanicu i relaksira organizam
- povećava i poboljšava energetski nivo tela i moždane aktivnosti
- poboljšava stopu prirodnog lečenja tela
- umiruje stres i nervnu napetost,
- dubinski čisti kožu i pore u borbi protiv bora, pega, akni i bubuljica
- zateže kožu i smanjuje bore i strije
- vrši kompletnu detoksikaciju i podmlađuje organizam…
Zadržaćemo se na jednoj tački
koju do sad nismo znali a preuzeli smo je kompletno sa http://www.floataway.com.
“ Jedan u sedam ljubavnih parova imaju problem da dobiju
bebu. Postoji mnogo razloga za to, ali jedan najbitniji je stress.
Plovna terapija
je najsnažnija poznata tehnika za uklanjanje stresa. Za lečenje plodnosti,
preporučljivo je da žena ima oko deset tretmana mesečno, svaka dva do tri dana
tokom plodnog perioda. Stepen relaksacije je čudesan ako je stres osnovni uzrok
neuspeha trudnoće.
Mnogo puta je dokazano da je
plovna terapija najmoćnije relaksaciono iskustvo na zemlji što potvrđuju
hormonska merenja i merenja moždanih aktivnosti… “
Sve slike su preuzete iz kataloga proizvođača tankova i
bazena za plovljenje: http://www.floataway.com
U svakom slučaju vredi pokušati, samo sa jednom razlikom, naša primedba, da u tretmanu učestvuju oba partnera. Mislimo da bi efekat uzajamnosti i bliskosti bio svrsishodniji i lepši, našem mentalitetu primeren i božanstven.
Bilo bi divno, uz sve gore navedene dobrobiti od upotrebe Epsom- gorke soli, da imamo više centara za plovnu terapiju, jer sirovina je stalno dostupna, vrehunskog kvaliteta i pristupačne cene:
Naša Epsom- Gorka so je vrhunske čistoće, izvrsno se slaže sa bazenskim hemikalijama za dezinfekciju.
Pozovite za najbolje cene.
Sve slike su preuzete iz kataloga proizvođača tankova i bazena za plovljenje: http://www.floataway.com
Kućni tretman
Kako su ulaganja u formiranje centara za plovni tretman dosta velika, kao i za kupovinu tankova i bazena, jednočasovni tretman je prilično skup i nisu svi u mogućnisti sebi da priušte ovakvo božansko iskustvo.
Ne preostaje nam ništa drugo nego da upotrebimo maštu.
Zdravstveno isti efekat ćete postići tako:
1. Začepite kadu
2. Tušem nakvasite celo telo mlakom vodom
3. Uzmite punu šaku naše
Epsom soli i nežno utrljavajte so polazeći od stopala ka butinama, stomaku,
grudima i licu. Ne štedite so, nanesite je u izobilju. Bitno je da je utrljavate
nežno kako vas kristali ne bi povredili. Posebnu pažnju obratite na bolna mesta;
butine, radi eliminisanja celulita; stomak, za ublažavanje strija; grudi i
vrata, za održanje glatkoće i čvrstine;
lice za dezinfekciju, uklanjanja viška masnoće i eliminisanja bora, pega i bubuljica.
Radite polako i brižljivo. Pazite da vam so ne uđe u oči i usta.
4. Istuširajte se mlakom vodom.
5. Sada dopunite kadu mlakom vodom bez dodatnog dodavanja
soli i nastavite sa opuštanjem, uživanjem i blagim masiranjem.
Dok tretman traje pobrinite se da uživate u tihoj vama omiljenoj muzici eventualno
uz prigušeno osvetljenje ili mirišljave sveće. Budite smireni i opušteni.
6. Možete se istuširati, nije neophodno, osušiti mekim peškirom
i otići na počinak.
7. Ponavljajte isti tretman tri puta nedeljno. Rezultati
će biti svima uočljivi već posle dve nedelje, a vaša smirenost i mladalačka
lepota će doći do punog izražaja.
Sa letnjim danima, potsetite nas da dodirnemo ovu temu na drugi način.
Epsom salt
The type of salt that we use in our floatation tanks
to give buoyancy to the water is called Epsom salt. It has been used for
centuries for its medicinal qualities and continues to offer many health
benefits when used for floating. Epsom salt was once the most popular
medical drug in England.
Its beneficial antiseptic and restorative qualities were not understood, but
users knew that it was good for health and promoted a long life.
Why floatation tanks use Epsom salts
Epsom Salt Floatation tanks are an excellent way of
combating stress, alleviating muscular aches and pains and for reaching Zen
like states of relaxation.
The buoyancy in a float tank is provided by creating a super saturated
mixture of Epsom salts and water, allowing the user to float effortlessly on
top of the skin temperature solution.Epsom salts / Magnesium Sulphate / Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4·7H2O) has been used for centuries as an effective cure all. Soaking in Epsom salts has been found to stimulate lymph drainage, and promote the absorption of Magnesium and Sulphates. Magnesium is the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body, so it is little wonder this low-profile mineral is so vital to good health and well being. Magnesium, a major component of Epsom Salt, also helps to regulate the activity of more than 325 enzymes and performs a vital role in orchestrating many bodily functions, from muscle control and electrical impulses to energy production and the elimination of harmful toxins. Magnesium levels have dropped by half in the last century due to changes in agriculture and diet. Industrial farming has depleted Magnesium from soil and the typical diet contains much less Magnesium than that of our forefathers. In fact, the modern diet with its fat, sugar, salt and protein actually works to speed up the depletion of Magnesium from our bodies. 57% of the US population does not meet the US Recommended Dietary Allowance for dietary intake of magnesium.
Researchers and physicians report
that raising your magnesium and sulphate levels may:
When using a float tank Magnesium is absorbed through the
skin due to natural molecular diffusion, the body optimizes the levels of
Magnesium, so there is no overload effect from floating in the salts for
extended periods.
While increasing your Magnesium levels, Epsom Salt also delivers
sulphates, which are extremely difficult to get through food but which
readily absorb through the skin. Sulphates serve a wide variety of functions
in the body, playing a vital role in the formation of brain tissue, joint
proteins and the Mucin proteins that line the walls of the digestive tract.
Sulphates also stimulate the pancreas to generate digestive enzymes and are
believed to help detoxify the body's residue of medicines and environmental
contaminants.As well as preventing sclerosis, kidney diseases and rheumatism, Epsom salt was also useful in avoiding weight gain.
Find out about the benefits of floating in Epsom salt, book a
floatation session to experience the amazing effects for yourself,...
How Epsom salt is made
Chemically, Epsom salt is known as 'magnesium sulphate'.
This is not found naturally, so it has to be made from a suitable substance
containing magnesium.
The best substance is dolomite, an abundant rock found in the mountainous
Dolomites region in Italy.
Dolomite belongs to a large group of neutral substances known as 'salts'
(formed by an alkaline base combining with an acid radical).Dolomite is a double salt known as 'calcium magnesium carbonate'. The rock consists of two metals (calcium and magnesium) combined with two non-metallic elements (carbon and oxygen). Epsom salt is also a 'salt', but its constituents are magnesium, oxygen and sulphur (another non-metallic element). This is unlike dolomite, which is a carbon salt consisting of magnesium, oxygen and carbon. In the manufacturing process, the carbon ingredient in the magnesium carbonate (dolomite) is replaced by sulphur. This then forms magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt). However, the magnesium prefers carbon to sulphur. So, Epsom salt readily exchanges its sulphur for carbon whenever possible. The magnesium draws out carbon, making the now inert residue soluble and facilitating excretion. How Epsom salt affects the body
Epsom salt's strong affinity for carbon and carbon
compounds is the secret of its value for medical purposes. It is always
trying to revert to its original carbon state, which is why it's useful in
helping to treat bodily conditions.
So, how does it work? Carbon, in one form or another, is one of the main
building blocks of vegetation. This in turn provides the food on which we
survive. The human body then excretes its waste products in the form of
carbon.Most of this carbon waste passes out via the lungs or bronchial tubes as carbon dioxide, which is formed as the result of a combustion process called oxidation. The blood and tissues need enough oxygen to carry out this process, in order to get rid of the carbon waste. If there's not enough oxygen, 'retarded combustion' happens. This is when partially oxidised forms of carbon waste (such as uric acid) and other acids and toxins form. These partially oxidised carbon compounds tend to build up in the blood and tissues, which can cause ill health and disease. However, Epsom salt can absorb and negate this harmful waste, acting as a useful remedial agent when correctly used. How Epsom salt can be used
Magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt) paste is still widely
recommended by doctors to help draw out impurities and poisons from the body.
It is most beneficial when applied externally, because of its ability to draw
waste (stored in the tissues) from the body through the skin.
However, when taken internally in small doses, Epsom salt also acts on the
kidneys. By increasing their action, they can get rid of more waste matter
solution.This information is taken and adapted from the booklet
'Epsom salt: its value and use' (1953) by Dr H Valentine Knaggs. |
Floatation benefits
Researchers and float tank users report many different
beneficial effects from floatation, from general well-being through to mental
and physical benefits. Here are just a few!
General well-being
Mental benefits of floatation
Physical benefits of floatation